Thursday, July 30, 2015

Some random WIPs

An Ulthwe Fire Prism that I've been working on. Still a WIP photo that I took with my phone, but I can't get better photos just now. Really like the model, especially the big gun, always wanted to paint one and now I have the opportunity.

An industrial base for my Forge World Metalica Dunecrawler, Skitarii codex states that entire planet is covered with metal, so that is what I was going for on this base.

And of course - some more Space Marines. Two Land Speeder Storms that I am painting right now, as well as two pistol/knife scout squads to go in them, I'll take more photos of them soon hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. That base is fantastic. Really well done. I also am loving the color choices on the fire prism! It's very striking!
